
*Palermo - [Facoltà di] Economia - Edificio 13*

Economia 2

Economia 2
Corridoio principale Economia (in fondo l' ingresso agli Uffici Amministrativi e di Biblioteca del S E A S - Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche - ex Deta) - Edificio 13 -

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Riforma Gelmini. Storia del Dipartimento










DAL 1° GENNAIO 2013,








DAL 1° GENNAIO 2014,





Inizia un nuovo ciclo anche per le Biblioteche

La storia del Dipartimento, a partire dal 1 gennaio 2014, prosegue con l'unione della Biblioteca centrale (ex Facoltà di Economia) alla Biblioteca del Dipartimento, tutte afferenti ad un unico polo bibliotecario di area.

** P O L O *** P O L IT E C N I C O **

Biblioteca di Architettura DARCH

Biblioteca di Ingegneria BINGE

Biblioteca di Energia, ingegneria dell'informazione e modelli matematici DEIIM

Biblioteca di Ingegneria civile, ambientale, aerospaziale, dei materiali DICAM

Biblioteca di Ingegneria chimica, gestionale, informatica, meccanica DICGIM

Biblioteca di Scienze economiche, aziendali e statistiche DSEAS

Biblioteca di Scienze economiche aziendali e statisticheDSEASDSEASMATSez. Matematica 1°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato* punto di servizio
al pubblico
STATSez. Statistica 2° pViale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterratoin verde l'ubicazione
del front-office di
ECONSez. Economia 5°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13– piano seminterratoin rosso i depositi
librari senza
AZIENSez. Aziendale 4°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
CNAPSez. Contabilità NazionaleViale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
DIRSez. Diritto p. terraViale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
DLAVSez. Dir. Lavoro 3°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
FINSez. Finanza 3°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
MQUASez. Metodi quantitativi 2°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
SOCSez. Sociolog.1°p.Viale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato
FECONBECON*Bib. Economia p. sem. intViale delle scienze – Ed. 13 – piano seminterrato



World Book Day (23 aprile 2014)

World Book Day (23 aprile 2014)
World Book Day (23 aprile 2014)


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Quasi in pensione ... al 1° novembre

Quasi in pensione ... (al 1° novembre)


Wednesday, 15 October 2014 (09:59:47 CET)


Maria Domenica Lo Iacono


Antonio Purpura

Caro Professore,

avrei il piacere di averla venerdì 24 c.m. alle ore 12:00 a piano terra (sala lettura ex DETA) per un brevissimo affettuoso saluto ed un grazie di cuore per aver trascorso e condiviso con me i miei anni più belli …

Mariella Lo Iacono Sig.ra Lo Iacono,

mi dispiace non aver potuto esaudire il suo desiderio di prolungamento dell'attività, sia pure per pochi mesi. La ringrazio di cuore, a nome mio e di tutto il Dipartimento, per la discrezione, la gentilezza, l'impegno con i quali ha contrassegnato i tanti anni di servizio.

La ringrazio idealmente anche a nome dei due Direttori, il prof. Castellano ed il prof. Fazio, che mi hanno preceduto ed ai quali mi legano profondi sentimenti di stima, affetto ed amicizia.

Ancora grazie a Lei.

Venerdì 24 sarò certamente presente all'incontro delle ore 12.

Un caro saluto,

Antonio Purpura

CIAO PENSIONATA ... QUASI di Lidia Ingraldi


Wednesday, 15 October 2014 (10:19:21 CET)


Lidia Ingraldi


Maria Domenica Lo Iacono

ciao pensionata ... quasi !!

Cara Mariella,

parteciperò con gioia a questo invito per il tuo "finale saluto lavorativo" -

E' stato piacevole e anche divertente lavorare con te, mi mancheranno nelle

pause pranzo i tuoi "pastoni" che ultimamente sono tanto tanto migliorati !!

Ricorderò con nostalgia la tua sensibilità e il tuo sorriso .

Spero di vederti oltre questa "porta DSEAS"!!!

Un abbraccio forte e ti auguro tanta tanta serenità e salute condividendola con i tuoi figli !!!



Lidia Ingraldi

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche - S.E.A.S.
Viale delle Scienze - Ed. 13
90128 Palermo - tel. 091/23895339 - int. 95339

Grazie ... 3 novembre 2014


Monday, 03 November 2014 (16:13:33 CET)


Enzo Scannella


Maria Domenica Lo Iacono

Gentilissima sig.ra Lo Iacono,

sono io che ringrazio Lei per la stima nei miei confronti, dimostratami in tutti questi anni, per la sua sempre squisita gentilezza, allegria, cordiale disponibilità e professionalità.

Per quanto mi riguarda conserverò un ottimo ricordo.

Mi auguro che possa dedicare il suo tempo alle persone e alle cose che le stanno più a cuore.

Spero proprio che non manchino occasioni per incontrarla in futuro.

Un caro saluto e un forte abbraccio.


Enzo Scannella

Ricercatore di Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche (SEAS)
Scuola Politecnica
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze, Edificio n.13
90128 Palermo
(+39) 091 23895305
fax. (+39) 178 2217366

Massimo ... 3 novembre 2014


Monday, 03 November 2014 (15:29:31 CET)


Massimo Arnone


Maria Domenica Lo Iacono


Carissima Mariella, tu per me sei stata e sempre sarai come una seconda mamma. in te ho trovato una persona con una bellissima anima, una semplicità disarmante e soprattutto una estrema bontà.
Tu sei sempre stata sincera e prodiga nel darmi consigli e consolarmi quando ho attraversato momenti difficili nel mio percorso universitario.

La mia eccessiva disponibilità è stata sempre volutamente fraintesa e molti mi hanno sfruttato.
Tu invece sei sempre stata una mamma, un'amica, un punto di riferimento del quale non intendo assolutamente privarmi anche ora che quando verrò in facoltà non ti potrò più venire a dare il buongiorno.
Ti verrò a trovare quando sono a Palermo e ti racconterò quello che sto facendo.
Per adesso sono alle prese con la ricerca di una stanza da affittare dato che dovrò essere a Roma tre volte a settimana. Credimi non è un'impresa facile.
Ma supererò anche questa difficoltà perchè sento l'affetto della mia famiglia allargata, si allargata perchè tu nei fai assolutamente parte.

Ti voglio un gran bene
A presto, se no mi fai commuovere


Vado in pensione (1° novembre 2014)

DSEAS, 29 ottobre 2014

Oggi è per me una giornata speciale. E’ il mio ultimo giorno di lavoro ...

Dal 1° novembre sarò una pensionata "fortunata" dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo.

Se mi avessero detto, circa 40 anni fa, che sarei arrivata al fatidico giorno della pensione, non ci avrei mai completamente creduto. Ero molto giovane, alla mia prima esperienza lavorativa, e mi sentivo quasi sperduta in un mondo, quello del lavoro, per me completamente nuovo. Ma poi, man mano, sono riuscita ad inserirmi in questa realtà dove ho conosciuto tantissime persone, tanti giovani, tante storie, tante opinioni... Ci sono stati momenti belli, anche meno belli, e giorno dopo giorno, quasi non mi accorgevo del tempo che passava. Soltanto ora, mi rendo veramente conto che tutti questi anni sono proprio trascorsi ed anche molto in fretta.

E adesso, con rimpianto ed emozione, non desidero altro che ringraziarvi tutti, ringraziare di cuore ciascuno di voi. Ringrazio prima di tutto il Signore che mi ha dato questa opportunità, difficilissima per i giovani d'oggi, (la maggior parte senza lavoro). In ordine, poi, ringrazio i miei tre Direttori: il grande prof. Castellano, direttore del mitico Istituto di Economia Politica, il prof. Vincenzo Fazio al quale mi legano affetto e gratitudine e il caro prof. Purpura, mio attuale direttore, del quale in questi anni ho avuto modo di apprezzare il garbo, la professionalità, la signorilità... La/Lo ringrazio ancora per le sue belle parole rivoltemi e che mi hanno fatto anche commuovere. ********* E adesso è venuto il momento di ringraziare i colleghi, "i miei colleghi di tutta una vita" con i quali ho condiviso tutto e anche loro con me, gioie e dolori, compreso i miei ormai famosi “pastoni” delle pause pranzo e so perfettamente quanto mi mancheranno Anna Rita, Davide, Eugenio, Fabrizio, Francesca, Gaetano, Giovanna, Giovanni, Giusy, Grazia, Lidia, Marzia, Massimiliano, Miriam, Nadia, i due Paolo, Renato, Rita, Rosangela, Rosaria, Rossella, Salvo, (rispettando l'ordine alfabetico spero di non aver dimenticato nessuno). Mando idealmente un grosso bacio a ciascuno, spero di aver lasciato un bel ricordo, comunque vi avverto che non vi libererete facilmente di me. Vi verrò a trovare... E, dulcis in fundo, con particolare affetto, ringrazio il carissimo prof. Mazzola che, dagli inizi del mio percorso lavorativo, lui, allora giovane studente, mi ha subito regalato la sua preziosa amicizia. Mi mancherete tutti e sicuramente anche il mio lavoro di biblioteca, soprattutto il quotidiano” che da un po’ di tempo a questa parte è sempre più movimentato. Da domani, dovrò ricominciare a riorganizzarmi, ma nessuno mai potrà cancellare questa importante parte della mia vita dal posto che avrà sempre dentro di me.

E il mio discorso non potrebbe certamente concludersi se non con un pensiero di affettuosa riconoscenza verso i miei genitori. Mio padre che, allora, per un brutto male, non fece in tempo a sapere del mio impiego per il quale sarebbe stato felice, e la mia mamma, mancata solo da qualche mese, che mi ha sempre sostenuto moralmente e materialmente nei momenti più difficili.

E ora ho proprio finito. Altrimenti rischio di essere cacciata via anche prima del previsto.

Ancora grazie, grazie a tutti !!! … e buon lavoro!




giovedì 8 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo:  Handbook of the Economics of Innovation

Edited by Hall Bronwyn H. and Rosenberg Nathan

[Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Volume 1]

Hardbound, 804 pages
Published: MAR-2010
ISBN 10: 0-444-51995-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-444-51995-5
€ 150,00

Economists examine the genesis of technological change and the ways we commercialize and diffuse it. The economics of property rights and patents, in addition to industry applications, are also surveyed through literature reviews and predictions about fruitful research directions. - Two volumes, available as a set or sold separately

Included in series
Handbooks in Economics

Volume 1: Introduction and Overview Introduction to the handbook - Bronwyn H. Hall and Nathan Rosenberg The contribution of economic history to the study of innovation and technical change: 1750-1914. - Joel Mokyr Technological change and industrial dynamics as evolutionary processes - Giovanni Dosi and Richard R. Nelson Empirical studies of innovative activity - Wesley M. Cohen Invention and Innovation The economics of science - Paula E. Stephan University research and public-private interaction - Dominique Foray and Francesco Lissoni Property rights and invention - Katherine E. Rockett The geographic localization of invention - Maryann P. Feldman and Dieter F. Kogler Open User Innovation - Eric von Hippel Learning by doing - Peter Thompson Innovative conduct in U.S. computing and internet markets - Shane Greenstein Pharmaceutical innovation - F. M. Scherer Collective invention and invention networks - Woody Powell and Eric Gianella Commercialization of Innovation The financing of R&D and innovation - Bronwyn Hall and Josh Lerner Markets for technologies - Ashish Arora and Alfonso Gambardella Technological innovation and the theory of the firm: Explorations into the role of enterprise level knowledge and capabilities - David J. Teece  

mercoledì 7 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition

edited by Marelli Enrico and  Signorelli Marcello

Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (March 2, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0230235700
ISBN-13: 978-0230235700
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.7 x 0.9 inches
€  92,00

Product Description:

This book examines, theoretically and empirically, the key aspects and differences of economic growth as well as the main structural features of development in transition countries, from the 1989 fall of the Berlin wall to the 2008-09 global financial crisis and recession. Topics include institutional change and governance, human capital and social capital, models of growth and employment – productivity relationship, sectoral/regional structure and trade integration, income distribution/inequality and many features of labour markets performance. Most of the chapters refer to the European transition countries; in some cases a comparative perspective - Eastern versus Western EU countries – is adopted.

This book is useful reading for researchers, scholars and students in the fields of economics of transition, economic growth, development economics, European economic integration, regional economics and labour economics.

About the Author

ENRICO MARELLI is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Brescia, Italy. He studied at Bocconi University, at the London School of Economics and at the University of Pennsylvania. Marelli has published several books and articles in a number of research areas: international economics, transition economics, labour economics and policy, regional economics, macroeconomics and economic policy.

MARCELLO SIGNORELLI is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Perugia, Italy. He is Vice-President (2008-2010) of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES). Signorelli studied at the University of Siena, at the Columbia University and at the University of Warwick. He has published many articles and edited some books in the following research areas: comparative economics and labour policy, transition economics and European economic Integration, regional economics and economic policy.

martedì 6 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Industrial Policy and Development.
The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation

Edited by Cimoli Mario, Dosi Giovanni, and Stiglitz Joseph E.

Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: OUP Oxford (24 Sep 2009)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0199235279
ISBN-13: 978-0199235278
Product Dimensions: 23.2 x 15.2 x 3.8 cm
€  34,00

Product Description:

In the 1990s, development policy advocated by international financial institutions was influenced by Washington Consensus thinking. This strategy, based largely on liberalization, privatization, and price-flexibility, downplayed, if not disregarded, the role of government in steering the processes of technological learning and economic growth. With the exception of the Far East, many developing countries adopted the view that industrial policy resulted in inefficiency and poor economic growth.
Ample historical evidence shows that industrial policy does work, when the right technologies and industries are supported and when appropriate combinations of policy measures are implemented. This book provides an in-depth exploration of which industrial policies have been successful, the trade-offs associated with these microeconomic approaches to growth and development, and the opportunities and constraints associated with the current organization of international economic relations.

About the Author

 M. Cimoli is Professor of Economics at the University of Venice (Ca' Foscari) since 1992 and Economic Affair Officer at ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) of UNITED NATIONS since 1999. He obtained a DPhil at the SPRU (University of Sussex) and he has held a number of visiting appointments in different universities and institutions (University of Pisa, University Metropolitan of Mexico (UAM), University of Campinas, etc).

Giovanni Dosi is Professor of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa and Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester. His major research areas include economics of innovation and technological change, industrial organisation and industrial dynamics, theory of the firm and corporate governance, economic growth and development. Professor Dosi is Co-Director of the task forces on Industrial Policy and Intellectual Property Rights at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, New York; Continental Europen Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, Research consultant for Italian and international public and private institutions, and Honorary Research Professor at the University of Sussex.

Joseph E. Stiglitz was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 2001 and is University Professor at Columbia University where he founded the Initiative for Policy Dialogue in 2000. He was Chair of President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors from 1995-97 and Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank from 1997-2000. He is also chair of the University of Manchester's Brooks World Poverty Institute and is a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. His best known recent publications include 'Making Globalization Work' (2006), 'Fair Trade for All' (2005), 'Globalization and its Discontents' (2002) and 'The Roaring Nineties' (2003). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lunedì 5 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality

edited by Salverda Wiemer, Nolan Brian and Smeeding Timothy M.


Oxford Handbooks in Economics
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Series: Oxford Handbooks Series
Format: Hardcover, 848pp
Pub. Date: April 2009
numerous tables and figures

ISBN - 13: 978-0-19-923137-9
ISBN: 0199231370
Price: £85.00  € 150,00
Sales Rank: 371,436

The essential guide for students and researchers interested in economic inequality
Contains 27 original research contributions from the top names in economic inequality

The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality presents a new and challenging analysis of economic inequality, focusing primarily on economic inequality in highly developed countries. Bringing together the world's top scholars this comprehensive and authoritative volume contains an impressive array of original research on topics ranging from gender to happiness, from poverty to top incomes, and from employers to the welfare state. The authors give their view on the state-of-the-art of scientific research in their fields of expertise and add their own stimulating visions on future research. Ideal as an overview of the latest, cutting-edge research on economic inequality, this is a must have reference for students and researchers alike.

Readership: Students, researchers, and policy makers with an interest in the economics of inequality and more generally those in related disciplines of development studies, politics, business, demography, and sociology.

Edited by Wiemer Salverda, Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies AIAS of the University of Amsterdam, and Coordinator of the European Low-wage Employment Research network LoWER, Brian Nolan, Economic and Social Research Institute ESRI and Network of Excellence EQUALSOC, and Timothy M. Smeeding, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Luxembourg Income Study LIS


Anders Bjorklund, Stockholm University
Francine D. Blau, Cornell University
Andrea Brandolini, Banca d'Italia
Richard V. Burkhauser, Cornell University
Gary Burtless, The Brookings Institution
Daniele Checchi, L'Università degli Studi di Milano
Kenneth A. Couch, University of Connecticut
James B. Davies, University of Western Ontario
Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Francisco H.G. Ferreira, The World Bank
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica-C.S.I.C. Barcelona
Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Richard B. Freeman, Harvard University
The Late Andrew Glyn, University of Oxford
Mary B. Gregory, University of Oxford
Markus Jäntti, Abo Akademi University
Christopher Jencks, Harvard University
Stephen Jenkins, ISER, University of Essex
Martin Kahanec, IZA, Bonn
Lawrence M. Kahn, Cornell University
Julia Lane, University of Chicago
Andrew Leigh, Australian National University
Claudio Lucifora, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Stephen Machin, University College London
Ive Marx, University of Antwerp
Nolan McCarty, Princeton University
John Myles, University of Toronto
Brian Nolan, University College Dublin
Jonas Pontusson, Princeton University
Martin Ravallion, The World Bank
John E. Roemer, Yale University
Wiemer Salverda, University of Amsterdam
Timothy M. Smeeding, Syracuse University
Philippe van Kerm, CEPS/INSTEAD
Bernard van Praag, University of Amsterdam
Jelle Visser, University of Amsterdam
Sarah Voitchovsky, University of Oxford
Klaus F. Zimmermann, IZA, Bonn

Table of contents:

Part 1 Inequality: Overview, Concepts and Measurement
1: Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan and Timothy M. Smeeding: Introduction: The scope and worries of economic inequality
2: John E. Roemer: Concepts and theories of inequality
3: Stephen Jenkins and Philippe van Kerm: The measurement of economic inequality
Part 2 The Extent of Inequality
4: Andrea Brandolini and Timothy M. Smeeding: Income inequality
5: Andrew Glyn: Functional and personal distribution
6: James B. Davies: Wealth and economic inequality
7: Andrew Leigh: High incomes and inequality
Part 3 Earnings inequality
8: Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn: Inequality and earnings distribution
9: Julia Lane: Inequality and the labour market: employers
10: Jelle Visser and Daniele Checchi: Inequality and the labour market: unions
11: Claudio Lucifora and Wiemer Salverda: Low pay
12: Mary B. Gregory: Gender and economic inequality
Part 4 Dimensions of inequality
13: Brian Nolan and Ive Marx: Inequality, poverty and exclusion
14: Nancy Folbre: Inequality, consumption and time use
15: Bernard van Praag and Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell: Inequality and happiness
16: Andrew Leigh, Christopher Jencks and Timothy M. Smeeding: Health and economic inequalities
17: Stephen Machin: Inequality and education
Part 5 The Dynamics of Inequality
18: Gary Burtless: Demographic transformation and economic inequality
19: Klaus F. Zimmermann and Martin Kahanec: International migration, ethnicity and economic inequality
20: Anders Bjorklund and Markus Jäntti: Intergenerational economic inequality
21: Richard V. Burkhauser and Kenneth A. Couch: Intragenerational inequality and intertemporal mobility
Part 6 Global perspectives on inequality
22: Sarah Voitchovsky: Inequality, growth and sectoral change
23: Richard B. Freeman: Trade, skills and globalization
24: Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Martin Ravallion: Poverty and Inequality: The Global Context
Part 7 Can inequalities be changed?
25: Gøsta Esping-Andersen and John Myles: Economic inequality and the welfare state
26: Nolan McCarty and Jonas Pontusson: Inequality and policy making
27: John E. Roemer: Prospects for achieving equality in market economies

sabato 3 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Basic Econometrics

Autori: Gujarati Damodar N., Porter Dawn C.

Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education; 5th Revised edition edition (January 1, 2009)
Paperback: 800 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071276254
ISBN-13: 978-007-127625-2
Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.9 x 1.3 inches
Price: € 64,80

Product Description:

This is a thorough revision of the best-selling undergraduate Econometrics text.Accessible, complete, and student-oriented, Basic Econometrics is appropriate for first courses in Econometrics at all four-year colleges and universities.In addition to a first-rate text, students have access to the SHAZY student version of SHAZAM, an inexpensive version of a widely used econometrics package, as well as data sets (free on adoption to instructors) for problem and example material in the text. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Mostly Harmless Econometrics
An Empiricist's Companion

Autori: Angrist Joshua D. and Pischke Jorn-Steffen

Publisher: Princeton University Press; 1 edition (December 15, 2008)
Paperback: 392 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0691120358
ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12035-5
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 1.1 inches
Price: € 32,50

The core methods in today's econometric toolkit are linear regression for statistical control, instrumental variables methods for the analysis of natural experiments, and differences-in-differences methods that exploit policy changes. In the modern experimentalist paradigm, these techniques address clear causal questions such as: Do smaller classes increase learning? Should wife batterers be arrested? How much does education raise wages? Mostly Harmless Econometrics shows how the basic tools of applied econometrics allow the data to speak.
In addition to econometric essentials, Mostly Harmless Econometrics covers important new extensions--regression-discontinuity designs and quantile regression--as well as how to get standard errors right. Joshua Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke explain why fancier econometric techniques are typically unnecessary and even dangerous. The applied econometric methods emphasized in this book are easy to use and relevant for many areas of contemporary social science.
An irreverent review of econometric essentials
A focus on tools that applied researchers use most
Chapters on regression-discontinuity designs, quantile regression, and standard errors
Many empirical examples
A clear and concise resource with wide applications

Joshua D. Angrist is professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jörn-Steffen Pischke is professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

venerdì 2 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Le aziende non profit. Un esame degli strumenti di controllo di gestione

Autori / Curatori: Bronzetti Giovanni

Editore: Franco Angeli, Milano
Collana: Economia - Monografie

Codice ISBN 13: 9788846492852 Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale
Dati: pp. 240

1a ristampa 2010

1a edizione 2007

Tipologia: Edizione a stampa
Prezzo: € 14,00

In breve:
Il volume fornisce un quadro generale delle problematiche gestionali delle aziende che operano nel terzo settore, dando rilievo all’applicazione e all’utilizzo degli strumenti gestionali di programmazione e di controllo che sono generalmente utilizzati dalle aziende for profit.

Presentazione del volume:

Il terzo settore ha vissuto negli ultimi decenni un profondo processo di cambiamento per effetto del progressivo incremento del numero di realtà operanti sul mercato. Ciò è stato determinato prevalentemente dalla crisi del sistema welfare-state, per effetto della quale le imprese non profit hanno costituito per lo stato una valida alternativa a cui delegare numerosi servizi offerti ai cittadini. Questa situazione ha reso necessario, da parte delle aziende del terzo settore, spesso strutturate e gestite in modo elementare, l'utilizzo di modelli organizzativi e di strumenti di gestione aziendale tipici delle aziende for profit.
Il management delle aziende non profit ha quindi dovuto affrontare in modo sistematico la programmazione della propria attività, sia sotto il profilo della gestione di medio-lungo periodo, mediante l'adozione di strumenti di pianificazione strategica, sia sotto quello della gestione operativa, mediante l'adozione del sistema di budgeting e di sistemi di controllo sui risultati ottenuti. In questo modo può verificare il raggiungimento degli obbiettivi prefissati sia in termini qualitativi sia quantitativi ed intraprendere, se necessario, le eventuali azioni correttive per avere sempre il controllo sull'andamento della gestione.
Questo studio intende fornire un quadro generale delle problematiche gestionali delle aziende che operano nel terzo settore, dando rilievo all'applicazione ed all'utilizzo degli strumenti gestionali di programmazione e di controllo che sono generalmente utilizzati dalle aziende for profit.

Giovanni Bronzetti è professore associato di Economia aziendale presso la facoltà di Scienze politiche dell'Università della Calabria dove tiene corsi di Economia aziendale, Ragioneria internazionale ed Aziende non profit. Il suo ambito di ricerca è prevalentemente indirizzato alle tematiche di programmazione e controllo, ambito nel quale ha pubblicato le monografie L'outsourcing uno strumento di pianificazione strategica, e Le imprese di gestione aeroportuale (FrancoAngeli). Inoltre, su tali temi e sulla tematica delle aziende non profit è stato autore di vari articoli e di interventi a convegni nazionali ed internazionali.


Giovanni Bronzetti, Prefazione
Caratteri innovativi alle aziende non profit
(Premessa; Un approccio economico-aziendale al terzo settore; Le dimensioni del fenomeno non profit)
Aspetti istituzionali
(Le aziende non profit: elementi caratterizzanti; I principali assetti istituzionali delle aziende operanti nel terzo settore)
I rapporti tra l'ambiente e l'azienda non profit: le influenze reciproche
(Strategia, ambiente e struttura organizzativa; Elementi che influenzano la struttura organizzativa; Modelli organizzativi delle aziende non profit; La qualità delle informazioni; Gli stakeholders; I fattori critici di successo e benchmarking)
La raccolta fondi
(L'individuazione degli obbiettivi strategici nelle imprese operanti nel terzo settore; Gli obiettivi strategici ed il sistema della raccolta fondi; Il fund raising; Le fonti di finanziamento pubbliche; Le fonti di finanziamento private; La carta delle donazioni; La finanza etica)

ll controllo di gestione in un'azienda non profit
(Le caratteristiche dei sistemi di controllo delle aziende operanti nel terzo settore; Introduzione agli strumenti di controllo; Funzione informativa della contabilità generale e del bilancio d'esercizio ai fini del controllo; La contabilità analitica; Il budget di un'azienda non profit; Il ruolo del sistema di reporting nella gestione di un'azienda non profit)


Nuovo arrivo

Titolo:  Intermediate Public Economics

Autori: Hindriks Jean  and  Myles Gareth

The MIT Press
April 2006
8 x 9, 720 pp., 174 illus.
$65.00/£35.95 (CLOTH)
ISBN-10: 0-262-08344-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-08344-7

Intermediate Public Economics
Jean Hindriks and Gareth D. Myles

Table of Contents

Public economics studies how government taxing and spending activities affect the economy—economic efficiency and the distribution of income and wealth. This comprehensive text in public economics covers the core topics market failure and taxation as well as recent developments in the political economy and public choice literatures. It is unique not only in its broad scope but in its balance between public finance and public choice and its combination of theory and relevant empirical evidence.
After introducing the theory and methodology of public economics and reviewing the efficiency of the competitive equilibrium, the book presents a historical and theoretical overview of the public sector. It then discusses departures from efficiency, including imperfect competition and asymmetric information; issues in political economy, including rent-seeking (a topic often omitted from other texts); equity; taxation issues, including tax evasion and its consequences; fiscal federalism and tax competition among independent jurisdictions; and the intertemporal issues of social security and economic growth.
This text introduces the reader to the theory of public economics and the most significant results of the analysis, providing an overview of the current state of the field. It is accessible to anyone with a background of intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics and can be used in advanced undergraduate as well as graduate courses. Although the mathematics has been kept to a minimum, the book remains analytical rather than discursive. Annotated suggestions for further reading and numerous exercises are included at the end of each chapter.

About the Authors

Jean Hindriks is Professor in the Economics Department and Codirector of the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at the Université catholique de Louvain.

Gareth D. Myles is Head of Department and Professor of Economics at the University of Exeter and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. He is the author of Public Economics.

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: An Introduction to Stata Programming

Autore: Baum Christopher F.

Copyright 2009
ISBN-10: 1-59718-045-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-045-0
Pages: 362; paperback
Price $54.00

Product Description:

This work focuses on three types of Stata programming: do-file programming, ado-file programming, and Mata functions that work in conjunction with do- and ado-files. It explains how to usefully automate work with Stata and how to use Stata more effectively through programming on one or more of these levels. After presenting elementary concepts of the command-line interface and commonly used tools for working with programs and data sets, the text follows a unique format by offering "cookbook" chapters after each main chapter. These cookbook chapters look at how to perform a specific programming task with Stata and provide a complete solution to the problem. The text also includes numerous examples of Mata, Stata’s matrix programming language.

Christopher F. Baum’s An Introduction to Stata Programming is worthwhile for anyone wanting to learn about programming in Stata. For the beginner, Baum assumes only that the user is familiar with Stata, and so he builds up accordingly. For the more advanced Stata programmer, the book introduces Stata’s Mata programming language and provides optimization tips for day-to-day work. All readers will find better, new ways to approach old tasks.
Baum steps the reader through the three levels of Stata programming. First up are do-files. Though often thought of as simple batch files, do-files support both loops and conditional execution, and hence can be used for automation as well as reproducibility. While giving examples of do-file programming, Baum introduces useful but often-overlooked Stata constructions.
Next come ado-files, which are used to extend Stata by creating new commands that share the syntax and behavior of official commands. Baum gives an example of how to write a simple additional command for Stata, complete with documentation and certification. After writing the simple command, users can then learn how to write their own custom estimation commands by using both Stata’s built-in numerical maximum-likelihood estimation routine, ml, and its built-in nonlinear least-squares routines, nl and nlsur.
Finishing up the book are two chapters on programming in Mata, which is Stata’s matrix programming language. Mata programs are integrated into ado-files to build a custom estimation routine that is optimized for speed and numerical stability. While stepping through these structures, Baum weaves in the details that are needed to become an expert at Stata programming, so readers will also learn more about Stata itself while learning the tools for programming.
Baum approaches each topic by first explaining the background and need for the topic, then looking at the basic usage and examples, and finally examining use within larger, more applied “cookbook” examples. Many of his examples come from questions posed on the Statalist listserver, so they address complexities of interest to a broad range of Stata users. The programming examples cover an array of topics, illustrate some of Stata’s built-in tools (such as the resampling techniques of bootstrapping and jackknifing), and offer solutions to tricky data-management questions.
The breadth and depth of this book make it a necessity for anyone interested in programming in Stata.

Christopher F. Baum is an economist at Boston College, where he co-directs the undergraduate minor in scientific computation.

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo: Marginal Models. For Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data

Autori: Bergsma Wicher, Croon Marcel, Hagenaars Jacques A.

2009, XI, 268 p.,
ISBN: 978-0-387-09609-4

Prezzo:  €  67,50

Marginal Models for Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudinal Categorical Data provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of marginal modeling and offers a wide range of possible applications. Marginal models are often the best choice for answering important research questions when dependent observations are involved, as the many real world examples in this book show.
In the social, behavioral, educational, economic, and biomedical sciences, data are often collected in ways that introduce dependencies in the observations to be compared. For example, the same respondents are interviewed at several occasions, several members of networks or groups are interviewed within the same survey, or, within families, both children and parents are investigated. Statistical methods that take the dependencies in the data into account must then be used, e.g., when observations at time one and time two are compared in longitudinal studies. At present, researchers almost automatically turn to multi-level models or to GEE estimation to deal with these dependencies. Despite the enormous potential and applicability of these recent developments, they require restrictive assumptions on the nature of the dependencies in the data. The marginal models of this book provide another way of dealing with these dependencies, without the need for such assumptions, and can be used to answer research questions directly at the intended marginal level. The maximum likelihood method, with its attractive statistical properties, is used for fitting the models.
This book has mainly been written with applied researchers in mind. It includes many real world examples, explains the types of research questions for which marginal modeling is useful, and provides a detailed description of how to apply marginal models for a great diversity of research questions. All these examples are presented on the book's website (, along with user friendly programs.

Wicher Bergsma is Senior Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His current research interests are categorical data analysis, measurement of association, nonparametric regression, and maximum likelihood estimation.

Marcel Croon is associate professor at Tilburg University. He is especially interested in measurement problems, structural equation modeling, latent variables, and random effect models.

Jacques Hagenaars is full professor at Tilburg University and at present chair of the board of IOPS, the Dutch PhD School for Sociometrics and Psychometrics. His main research interests are research designs, longitudinal research, categorical data analysis and latent variable models.

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo:  Intermediate Microeconomics
A modern approach

Intermediate Microeconomics
A Modern Approach
di: Hal R. Varian
Editore & Imprint: WW Norton & Co, New York - London
Edizione 8th International student edition
Data di pubblicazione: 19 Gennaio 2010
Pagine: 816
Prezzo : € 55,30
Formato: Libro in brossura
ISBN: 0393935332
ISBN 13: 9780393935332

Informazioni aggiuntive:
altezza 235 mm
larghezza 175 mm
peso 1110 gr

Intermediate Microeconomics
un libro di Hal R. Varian

Offers coverage of intermediate microeconomics at an appropriate mathematical level. This title includes contemporary case studies and examples and relevant coverage of the economic crisis.

Descrizione completa:

For over 20 years Hal Varian's "Intermediate Microeconomics" has given students the most current and complete coverage of intermediate microeconomics at an appropriate mathematical level. The Eighth Edition includes contemporary case studies and examples and relevant coverage of the current economic crisis - all in focused, lecture-length chapters.

giovedì 1 luglio 2010

Nuovo arrivo

Titolo:  Microeconomic Theory

Autori:  Mas-Colell Andreu ,  Whinston Michael D.  and   Green  Jerry  R.

Editore: Oxford University Press
Pubblicazione: 06/1995
Numero di pagine: 998
ISBN-13: 9780195102680
ISBN: 0195102681
Dimensione: 255x200 mm.
Formato: Paperback
Illustrazioni: numerous line figures
Prezzo:  € 56,70

Sommario :

 Part I: Individual Decision-Making; Introduction to Part I; 1: Preference and Choice; 2: Consumer Choice; 3: Classical Demand Theory; 4: Aggregate Demand; 5: Production; 6: Choice under Uncertainty; Part II: Game Theory; Introduction to Part II; 7: Chapter 7: Basic Elements of Non-Cooperative Games; 8: Chapter 8: Simultaneous-Move Games; 9: Chapter 9: Dynamic Games; Part III: Market Equilibrium and Market Failure; Introduction to Part III; 10: Chapter 10: Competitive Markets; 11: Extrnalities and Public Goods; 12: Market Power; 13: Adverse Selection, Signalling, and Screening; 14: The Principal-Agent Problem; Part IV: General Equilibrium; Introduction to Part IV; 15: General Equilibrium Theory: Some Examples; 16: Equilibrium and its Basic Welfare Properties; 17: The Positive Theory of Equilibrium; 18: Some Foundations for Competitive Equilibria; 19: General Equilibrium under Uncertainty; 20: Equilibrium and Time; Part V: Welfare Economics and Incentives; Introduction to Part V; 21: Social Choice Theory; 22: Elements of Welfare Economics and Axiomatic Bargaining; 23: Incentives and Mechanism Design; Mathematical Appendix

Note Editore:

 This is a comprehensive textbook covering all of the topics taught in the graduate-level, two-semester course in microeconomic theory required of all graduate students in economics. It combines the results of the authors' experience of teaching microeconomics at Harvard and has been fully classroom tested.